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Regulated Professions Database - baza de date RegProf

Baza de date conține informații privind profesiile reglementate, statisticile privind profesioniștii migranți, punctele de contact și autoritățile competente, astfel cum au fost furnizate de statele membre ale UE, de țările SEE și de Elveția. Fiecare țară este responsabilă de actualizarea informațiilor, de profesiile reglementate, de autoritățile competente și de statistici. Comisia nu poate fi trasă la răspundere pentru acuratețea informațiilor. Cu toate acestea, în cazul în care îi sunt aduse la cunoștință erori, Comisia se angajează să le corecteze, dacă este cazul. 1)

  1. Conectarea utilizatorilor
  2. Actualizarea și consultarea RegProf
  3. Completarea anuală a datelor statistice
  4. Exerciţiul de evaluare, transparenţă şi proporţionalitate
  5. Rapoarte
  6. Documentația oficială
  1. New, waiting for validation - Not yet visible to citizens on RegProf, only after validation by the European Commission.
  2. Being edited, waiting for validation - Old values are still visible on RegProf.
  3. Valid, visible on Europa - Visible on RegProf.
  4. Being deleted, waiting for validation - Still visible on RegProf, will be hidden after validation by the European Commission. Please note that the data and related decisions will NOT be deleted, but only hidden from view of citizens as well as of coordinators from other MS.
  5. Regulated professions deleted - Logically deleted, only visible by coordinators of your country.

Adrese web accesibile numai utilizatorilor RegProf:

Sector Professions
Health and social services Physiotherapist
Construction Civil engineer
Other(*) Tourist guide/ Travel agent
Business services Architect
Transport Driving instructor
Real estate Real estate agent
Wholesale and retail Optician

Alte informaţii care pot fi consultate de utilizatorii RegProf:

The database contains information on regulated professions, statistics on migrating professionals,contact points and competent authorities, as provided by EU Member States, EEA countries and Switzerland. Each country is responsible for updating information, on its regulated professions, competent authorities and statistics. The Commission cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. However, if errors are brought to its attention, the Commission undertakes to correct them, if deemed appropriate.
The access to the secure site of the database is restricted to national authorities who are in charge of providing data on the regulated professions in their countries.
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Log in to REGPROF with an existing EU Login account. Once you have a valid EU Login account you can log in to REGPROF. Your first login will create an access request; once granted, you will access the REGPROF homepage.
  • ro/regprof.txt
  • Ultima modificare: 2024/11/07 10:28
  • de către chiuta