Profesii reglementate în România
Semnificaţia codurilor de culori:
galben | informații de actualizat (draft) |
albastru | informaţii transmise către Comisia Europeană pentru validare/aprobare (submitted) |
roșu | neaprobat, trebuie modificat de către utilizatorul autorităţii competente, după care se va retransmite pentru validare (rejected) |
verde | validat/aprobat de Comisia Europeană (valid/approved) |
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General | Regulated professions - Decisions & Statistics | Competent authorities | Screening information | Proportionality (until 18.01.2016) |
Logicaly deleted 30) | Marinar stagiar | Ongoing screening 31) | Ongoing Proportionality 32) | |
Logicaly deleted 33) | Mecanic stagiar | Ongoing screening 34) | Ongoing Proportionality 35) | |
Logicaly deleted 36) | Asistent personal al persoanei cu handicap * | Ongoing screening 37) | Ongoing Proportionality 38) |
Date pentru o profesie reglementată
CA Id | ### |
Contact Data | Autoritatea Competentă |
RP Id | ##### |
Regulated Profession | Profesia reglementată |
Transparency | submitted |
Screening | valid |
Proportionality | rejected |
Establishment | Decisions |
Provision of Services | Declarations |
Current screening information has been rejected with following comment: requested by Stefan Serban
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: - could you please provide a short description of activities which can be performed only by this profession? - could you please provide a short explaination for the modification introduced rather than referring as not specified? -could you please provide a short explaination on why requirement on corporate form has been introduced rather than referring to not necessary. Thank you
, 4)
Current data has been rejected with following comment: Please ensure the coherence between the activities covered and the reserved activities. thank you
Current data has been rejected with following comment: Could you please complement the justification for imposing a prior check of qualifications under article 7-4 because currently you refer only to the procedure and not to the justification. Thank you in advance
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: the duration of the training includes only the specialty training or also the general studies? it should include both
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: the duration should cover both the general studies and the speciality studies (rezidentiat)
Current data has been rejected with following comment: could you clarify in the activities covered the differences with the activities covered/performed by the expert contabili. thank you
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: Please clarify what are the shared activities with expert contabil and activities reserved to that profession in order to better distinguish between these 2 professions. thank you
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: Could you please specify if there is prohibition on joint practices. Thank you
This „Proportionality“ is in „rejected“ state. with following comment: Could you please provide targeted responses to questions 3-4-5-6 ? Thank you in advance
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: Could you please complement your submission by providing a short explaination on every requirement introduced rather than only referring to the law in force? Thank you in advance
This „Proportionality“ is in „rejected“ state. with following comment: Could you please provide short explaination for questions 2 to 10 explaining why the profession is regulated. The mere reference to the law applicable and the collaboration with the relevant ministry is not sufficient. Thank you in advance
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: Could you please notify all the requirements applicable before submitting, such as competency requirements as well as exercise requirements. Thank you
Current data has been rejected with following comment: rejected to the coordinator upon his request
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: Could you please provide a short explanation of the requirement introduced in complement to the law applicable. Thank you in advance
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: Could you please provide a short explanation of the requirement introduced and not refer only to the relevant law applicable. thank you in advance
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: Could you please notify all the requirements applicable (competency requirements as well as exercise requirements). thank you
Current data has been rejected with following comment: 1. Recunoasterea este pe Directiva 2005/36? 2. Justificarea pt Art. 7.4
Current screening information has been rejected with following comment: Please answer all the questions.
Current data has been rejected with following comment: Could you please check if it should be rather classify under sports instructor rather than secondary teacher. Thank you
Current data has been rejected with following comment: Please be more specific about specific activities performed by this profession and which can only be performed by this profession. thank you
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: Please be more specific about which specific activities are reserved to that profession. thank you
Current data has been rejected with following comment: Could you please check the coherence between the description of the activities covered and the reserves of activities because they do not appear the same. Thank you
Current data has been rejected with following comment: Could you please specify the required level of qualifications? Thank you in advance
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: Please notify the exercise requirements. Thank you
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: Could please notify all the requiremens applicable (competency and exercise requirements). Thank you
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: Could you please fill in the field of reserves of activities? Thank you in advance
Current data has been rejected with following comment: Please correct the legal basis for regulation since Directive 2005/36/EC does not harmonise the training conditions, only the national law.
, 33)
, 36)
This regulated profession is in „deleted“ state. No action possible from here anymore with your role.
, 34)
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: the profession has been deleted
, 35)
This „Proportionality“ is in „rejected“ state. with following comment: this profession is deleted
This screening is in „rejected“ state with following comment: requested by Stefan Serban
This „Proportionality“ is in „rejected“ state. with following comment: requested by Stefan Serban