IMI System Release Notes for Version 10.0

Please find a short summary of the changes below:

The handling of machine translation of free text has been significantly improved in IMI.

By clicking on the speech bubble icon next to the free text, users can request the translation of the free text as before, i.e. by selecting the language to which the text should be translated.

  • The translations will now directly arrive on the screen, where the original text is displayed.
  • While the translation request is being processed a message will indicate below the free text field that the system is waiting for the translation.
  • As soon as the translations arrive they will be displayed in green below the original text.
  • If a free text field has previously been translated by another IMI user to the same language to which the actual user is requesting a translation – the display of the translated free text will be almost immediate.

A new Translate all functionality is made available in IMI

  • This means that with a single click users can submit for translation all free text of the same notification / EPC request / Alert.
  • When this functionality is used the translation requests are sent without the selection of the language, and free text will be translated into the session (interface) language of the users.
  • If multiple free texts is submitted for translation, the translated texts will arrive one by one and will be displayed as soon as returned by the machine translation service.
  • As explained above translations will be displayed directly on the screen, in green, below the original text.
  • If free text fields have previously been translated by another IMI user to the same language to which the actual user is requesting a translation – the display of the translated free texts will be almost immediate.

As a NIMIC you may wish to try out this new functionality with e.g. with the Services notification or in another IMI module to which you have access.

Please note that this improvement was implemented for PQ alerts, notifications, repositories EPC applications and for the new request forms (Requests (new forms) menu option) in IMI and is not available for requests handled with the old request forms. As we have informed you the request forms for the Enforcement Directive and Cultural objects are already using the new request screens in IMI. The old „question sets“ are expected to be migrated to the new technical solution gradually, in the coming months. Once migrated to the new forms they will also offer the improved machine translation functionality.

If the details of an IMI Access Manager are opened from the Administration menu option in IMI (My authority or Managed authorities menu option), on the Management information tab of the details a new section, you can find a new section: Managed authorities. This section includes the list of authorities for which the opened authority is currently identified as an Access Manager. It possible to double click and open the details of any of the listed authorities, which will open with the view where the details or the users can be edited or new accesses can be granted. For decentralised countries, we believe this improvement will facilitate the management of authorities in IMI.

As the NIMIC you may wish to have a look at this improvement: Please go to the Administration / My authority menu option. Go to the Mangement information tab and check the new section. You will see the full list of authorities for which you as the NIMIC are identified as an Access manager.

Some significant improvements implemented for PQ Alerts in IMI:

  • Simplified access to personal data for authorities with „Coordinator“ role in IMI: Alert coordinators no longer need to search for their own authority and add it as a recipient in order to see personal data in received alerts. A new functionality: Access personal data with the corresponding button is now in place. If a user of an alert coordinator clicks this button, the personal data immediately becomes visible to the users in his authority. This functionality is available for users with handler and also for users with approval rights. The users with approval rights will continue to have access to the Add recipient functionality as well, however this latter button only needs to be used, if other authorities should be added as recipients to the alert.
  • From now on, the IMI users, who are registered for Alert Coordinators and only have alert handler rights, can also immediately see incoming alerts. In addition they also have access to the 'Access personal data' functionality. They can now disclose the personal data of incoming alerts, if they consider that their authority is responsible for the alert.
  • Further reduction of automatic e-mails: The general rule to send alert related automatic e-mails only to functional mailboxes has been extended: When alert authorities are added as recipients of an alert the automatic e-mail is only sent to the functional mailbox of the alert authority. (Previously this e-mail was exceptional and was also sent to the personal e-mail address users of the added recipient.
  • On request of MS competent authorities, the field to indicate the gender of professionals have been added to all alert forms.
  • The alert forms have been translated and are now available in all languages.
  • imi/release_notes/version_10.0.txt
  • Ultima modificare: 2020/08/01 09:14
  • (editare externă)