ID | Denumire neoficială | Denumiri | Ţara | Regiunea | Localitatea | E-mail | Telefon |
925 | Department C1/2 of the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (NIMIC) | Abteilung C1/2 des Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft - BMWFW (NIMIC) | Austria | null | Wien | | +43 1 711 00 5648 |
8932 | Rail infrastructure authority (SCHIG) | Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH | Austria | null | Wien | | +43 (0)1 812 73 43 - 1015 |
930 | Ministry of Economic Affairs (NIMIC) | Federale Overheidsdienst Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie (NIMIC),Service Public Fédéral Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Energie (NIMIC),Föderale Öffentliche Dienst Wirtschaft, KMB, Mittelstand und Energie (NIMIC) | Belgia | null | Brussel | | +32 2 277 97 95 |
8957 | National Rail Safety Authority | Dienst Veiligheid en Interoperablilteit van de spoorwegen (DVIS),Service de Sécurité et d’Interoperablité des Chemins de Fer (SSICF),null | Belgia | null | Bruxelles | | +32 2 277 39 11 |
950 | Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications (NIMIC) | Министерство на транспорта, информационните технологии и съобщенията (NIMIC) | Bulgaria | null | София | | +359 2 949 2427 |
8804 | Railway Administration Executive Agency (NSA) | Изпълнителна агенция „Железопътна администрация“ (НОБ) | Bulgaria | null | София | | +359 2 9409 428 |
8909 | Croatian Railway Safety Agency | Agencija za sigurnost željezničkog prometa | Croatia | null | Zagreb | | +38516061315 |
8466 | Ministry of Economy (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Ministarstvo gospodarstva (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Croatia | null | Zagreb | | +385 (0)1 6109 370 |
953 | Danish Business Authority (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Erhversstyrelsen (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Danemarca | null | Copenhagen | | +45 35291000 |
3515 | Road Safety and Transport Agency | Trafikstyrelsen | Danemarca | null | København S | | +45 7221 8800 |
1647 | Autoritatea pentru supraveghere tehnicã din Estonia | Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet | Estonia | null | Tallinn | | +372 6672000 |
948 | Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Estonia | null | Tallinn | | +372 6256342 |
1998 | Consumer Agency | Kilpailu- ja kuluttajavirasto (NIMIC) | Finlanda | null | Helsinki | | +358 295053198 |
4285 | Finnish Vehicle Administration („AKE“) | Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto Trafi | Finlanda | null | Helsinki | | +358 0295345000 |
937 | Ministry of Employment and the Economy (SOLVIT Centre) | Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö (SOLVIT Centre) | Finlanda | null | Valtioneuvosto, Helsinki | | +358 29 516001 |
928 | General Secretariat for European Affairs (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Secrétariat général des affaires européennes (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Franţa | null | Paris | | +33 1 44 87 12 97 |
8970 | Public Authority for Railway Safety (EPSF / NSA) | Etablissement public de sécurité ferroviaire | Franţa | null | Amiens | | 33(0)3 22 33 95 95 |
933 | Federal Office of Administration - Federal Office for Information Technology (NIMIC) | Bundesverwaltungsamt - Bundesstelle für Informationstechnik (NIMIC) | Germania | * Acoperire/ competenţă naţională | Köln | | +49 228 99 358 3621 |
8931 | Federal Railway Authority - German National Safety Authority (NSA) | Eisenbahn-Bundesamt | Germania | * Acoperire/ competenţă naţională | Bonn | | + 49 (0) 228/9826-0 |
940 | Ministry of Finance (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Υπουργείο Οικονομικών, Διεύθυνση Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και Διεθνών Σχέσεων, Τμήμα Ενιαίας Αγοράς και Οριζοντίων Πολιτικών Ε.Ε. (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Grecia | null | Αθήνα | | +30 210 333 2129 |
8925 | Regulatory Authority for Railways (RAS) | ΡΥΘΜΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΑΡΧΗ ΣΙΔΗΡΟΔΡΟΜΩΝ (ΡΑΣ) | Grecia | null | Αθήνα | | +30 210 3860141-2 |
926 | Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre),An Roinn Post, Fiontar and Nuálaíochta (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Irlanda | null | Dublin | | +353 1 631 2532 |
8929 | Railway Safety Commission (NSA Ireland) | Railway Safety Commission,null | Irlanda | null | Dublin | | 00353 1 2068110 |
8905 | National Rail Safety Authority | AGENZIA NAZIONALE PER LA SICUREZZA DELLE FERROVIE | Italia | null | FIRENZE | | +390552989701 |
935 | Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for European Policies - „CEMIAG“ Office (European Citizenship, Internal Market) (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre – Contact Point for the Services and the Professional Qualifications Directives | Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Dipartimento Politiche Europee – Ufficio MIC ( Mercato Interno e Concorrenza): NIMIC , SOLVIT Centre, Punti di Contatto Nazionali Direttive Appalti 2014 24 UE , Servizi 2006 123 CE e Qualifiche 2005 36 CE | Italia | null | Roma | | +39 06 67795331 |
945 | Ministry of Economy (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrija (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Letonia | null | Rīga | | +371 67013067 |
8928 | State Railway Technical Inspectorate | Valsts dzelzceļa tehniskā inspekcija | Letonia | null | Rīga | | +371 67234335 |
1028 | EEA Coordination Unit (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Stabsstelle EWR der Regierung (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Liechtenstein | null | Vaduz | | +423 2366039 |
8965 | Ministry for Infrastructure, Environment and Sport | Regierung des Fürstentums Liechtenstein - Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Umwelt sowie Sport | Liechtenstein | null | Vaduz | | 00423 236 61 11 |
5173 | Agenţia pentru siguranţă feroviară - Inspectoratul de stat al căilor ferate din cadrul Ministerului Transporturilor | Valstybinė geležinkelio inspekcija prie Susisiekimo ministerijos | Lituania | null | VILNIUS | | +370 5 243 04 93 |
944 | Ministry of Economy (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Lietuvos Respublikos ūkio ministerija (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Lituania | null | Vilnius | | +370 70664933 |
1040 | Civil Service Ministry (NIMIC) | Ministère de la Fonction publique et de la Réforme administrative (NIMIC),null | Luxemburg | null | Luxembourg | | +352 247-83133 |
8967 | National Railway Safety Authority (NSA / ACF) | Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - Département des transports,Ministerium für nachhaltlige Entwicklung und Infrastrukturen - Verkehrsabteilung | Luxemburg | null | Esch-sur-Alzette | | +352 261912-0 |
3473 | Competent authority for supervison of fairs and amusment parks (including mobile attractions) | Statens jernbanetilsyn | Norvegia | null | Oslo | | +47 73604032 |
946 | Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Norvegia | null | Oslo | | +47 47266698, 90503638 |
3786 | Central authority for rail transport, Department of organisation and legal affairs | Urząd Transportu Kolejowego | Polonia | * Acoperire/ competenţă naţională | Warszawa | | +48 22 749 14 00 |
952 | Ministry of Economy (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre), European Affairs Department | Ministerstwo Gospodarki (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Polonia | * Acoperire/ competenţă naţională | Warszawa / Warsaw | | +48 22 693 56 20 |
939 | Agency for Public Services Reform (NIMIC) | Agência para a Modernização Administrativa (NIMIC) | Portugalia | null | Lisboa | | +351 21 723 12 00 |
7903 | Institute for Mobility and Land Transport | Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes, I.P. | Portugalia | null | Lisboa | | +351 21 7949000 |
924 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Regatul Unit | null | London | | +44 207 215 2833/8356 |
8930 | Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) | Office of Rail and Road | Regatul Unit | null | London | | 020 7282 2018 |
951 | Ministry of Industry and Trade (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Republica Cehă | null | Praha | | +420 224852783 |
8208 | Rail Authority | Drážní úřad | Republica Cehă | null | Praha 2 | | +420 972241830 |
8933 | Autoritatea de Siguranta Feroviara Romana | Autoritatea de Siguranta Feroviara Romana (ASFR) | România | null | Bucuresti | | 004021.307.79.06 |
929 | Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (CNIMI - SOLVIT Centre) | Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (CNIMI - SOLVIT Centre) | România | null | Bucureşti | | +40 21 308 53 35 |
934 | Ministry of Economy (NIMIC) | Ministerstvo Hospodárstva Slovenskej Republiky (NIMIC) | Slovacia | null | Bratislava | | +421 2 4854 2405 |
8941 | Transport Authority - National Rail Safety Authority | Dopravný úrad | Slovacia | null | Bratislava | | +421 2 48 777 402 |
942 | Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Slovenia | null | Ljubljana | | +386 1 400 36 00 |
8907 | National Rail Safety Authoririty (NSA) - Slovenia | Javna agencija za železniški promet Republike Slovenije | Slovenia | null | Maribor | | +386 2 234 1427 |
8939 | Coordinator for requests and notifications about train driving licences - Directorate General of Railways (Ministry of Development) | Dirección General de Ferrocarriles (Ministerio de Fomento) | Spania | * Acoperire/ competenţă naţională | Madrid | | 915979960 |
1143 | Ministry of Finance and Public Administration (NIMIC) | Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas (NIMIC) | Spania | * Acoperire/ competenţă naţională | Madrid | | +34 91 273 4625 |
932 | National Board of Trade (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Kommerskollegium (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Suedia | null | Stockholm | | +46 8 690 48 00 |
8201 | Transport Agency | Transportstyrelsen | Suedia | null | Norrköping | | +46 771-503 503 |
8966 | Inspectorate for Environment and Transport (ILT/Rail and Road Transport) | Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT/Rail en Wegvervoer) | Ţările de Jos | null | Utrecht | | +31 70 456 2379 |
8423 | Ministry of Economic Affairs (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Ministerie van Economische Zaken (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Ţările de Jos | null | Den Haag | | +31 70 379 7708 |
931 | Ministry of Justice (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Igazságügyi Minisztérium (NIMIC - SOLVIT Centre) | Ungaria | null | Budapest | | +36 1 795 3176 |
1585 | Ministry of National Development - Delegated Coordinator for Network Industries | Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium - Hálózati Iparágakért felelős DIMIC | Ungaria | null | Budapest | | +36 1-471 83 86 |
3783 | National Transport Authority | Nemzeti Közlekedési Hatóság | Ungaria | null | Budapest | | +36 13731442 |