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IMI PQ NET Romania / Training and Awareness Raising Activities for Implementation of IMI PQ

  • Activities of the Romanian PQ Coordinator
  • Contacts with Authorities Registered in IMI for the Different PQ Modules
  • Set of Training Events Organised in Romania
  • Awareness Raising Activities
  • What We Do in Romania to Ensure the Smooth Functioning of IMI

National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED) was created based on Government Decision no. 49/1999:

  • member of the ENIC (European Network of Information Centres) network of information centers on recognition of diplomas, an initiative of Council of Europe and UNESCO, created based on Lisbon Recognition Convention;
  • collaborates with other national centers for recognition ENIC / NARIC, UNESCO-CEPES, IAU;
  • representative of the Ministry of National Education in relation with EU institutions in the field of academic and professional recognition;
  • national coordinator for transposition Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications and point of contact for professional recognition:
    • Law no. 200/2004
  • legislative area coordinator for IMI PQ Romania and delegated coordinator for Services in education:
    • Government Decision no. 931 / 2010
    • Long-term national strategy for implementation of IMI System in Romania (draft)

Ministry of National Education - National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED)

  • registration and training of users designated by the coordinated authorities
  • technical support („help desk“) for IMI PQ users
  • validation of answers for PQ information requests, approval of requests submitted by CAs from RO
  • management of IMI registers: PQ authorities databases and EPC sample documents
  • EPC coordinator: deals with EPC applications for professions non-regulated in Romania and EPC notifications
  • dissemination and approval of PQ alerts and notifications
  • preparation of statistical reports on use of IMI PQ modules at national level
  • national coordinator for the Regulated Professions Database (RegProf)

Competent authorities for regulated professions in Romania

  • Ministries / public institutions
  • Professional associations

Other relevant authorities

  • National Authority for Qualifications / Sectoral Committees
  • National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education Training Development

Relevant authorities from 41 counties and Bucharest

  • Higher education institutions accredited in Romania
  • School Inspectorates
  • Agencies for payments and social inspection
  • Agencies for employment
  • Public Health Authorities

Regional Training Sessions

  • Relevant authorities
  • Competent authorities
  • Presentation of national and European legal framework
  • Processing personal data in IMI
  • Overview of the IMI System and of the website/portal
  • European Professional Card presentation
  • Case study on the interaction of users with IMI
  • IMI repositories: sample documents for EPC applications, registers of CAs
  • PQ information requests
  • PQ alerts & notifications - Romanian IMI PQ Coordinators

Long-term national strategy for implementation of IMI System:

  • IMI PQ modules coordonation by CNRED with support from NIMIC
  • Registering the CAs for regulated professions
  • IMI PQ NET Romania Project (November 2010 – February 2014)
  • Registering new relevant authorities and users in IMI (since 2014)
  • Regional training events for all IMI users (2016, 2017)
  • Training sessions for small groups: EPC, notifications, alerts
  • National help-desk support by phone and e-mail
  • Validation of answers for PQ information requests
  • Approval of requests submitted by CAs from RO
IMI Indicator Target value RO in 2015 RO in 2016
Speed in accepting requests (% accepted within 7 days) ≥ 80 % 1546/1248 req. ⇒ 81 % 1812/1557 req. ⇒ 86 %
Speed in answering requests (avg. no. of days taken to answer) < 16 days 1180 req. ⇒ 18 days ~ 1770 req. ⇒ 17 days
Requests answered by the date agreed in IMI (%) ≥ 80 % 1528/1248 req. ⇒ 82 % 1789/1554 req. ⇒ 87 %
Timeliness of replies as rated by counterparts (% of negative evaluations) < 5 % 7,89 % 5,42 %
Efforts made as rated by counterparts (% of negative evaluations) < 5 % 5,31% 6,08%

Alexandru-Ionuţ Chiuţă

Cristian-Alexandru Mihăilescu

  • imi/modul_de_lucru.txt
  • Ultima modificare: 2020/08/01 09:13
  • (editare externă)