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Public Announcement for Expert Selection - by Project Manager 09/04/2011 @ 19:50

Announce the selection of the following categories of public short-term experts: four experts for distribution, completion and collection of questionnaires.

In order to implement project activities in 2789 ID "correct information - the key to recognition studies", announced a selection, the selection of files for the following experts:

 4 experts for distribution, completion and collection surveys + other forms, for the period May to September 2011.
1. to make proof of attending a foreign academic mobility between studies;
2. to possess good networking skills / interpersonal and institutional / organizational
3. knowledge of at least one international language
4. Proven experience in the distribution, completion and collection of questionnaires is an advantage
5. proof of previous or present member of a student association is an advantage

Applications will be composed of the following documents:
1. Curriculum Vitae Europass format, in Romanian with
2. copies of diplomas, certificates of certificates, certifying the information provided in your CV
3. working copy of the book, certified "according to the original (or affidavits from employers / civil service contracts in the above-mentioned)

Above documents will be scanned in PDF or TIFF / JPG and will only be submitted electronically by e-mail address by May 18, 2011, at 18:00.

The applications submission deadline was extended until May 18, 2011, at 18:00.

Applications not complying with the above requirements or transmitted in another way, will not be taken into account.

After selection of files / experts for the project, they will be invited to submit curriculum vitae, on paper, signed and dated and will submit original with the original certification, diplomas, certificates and the certificates.

Experts will enjoy:

1) Pay for performance made in the amount motivating;
2) Get experience in projects financed from structural funds.

Project Manager

Oana Mihaela Salomia
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For detailed information about other programs financed by the European Union, please visit .

This report does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania.

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