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Seturi de întrebări IMI PQ

  1. Întrebări pentru identificarea profesiei
  2. Întrebări despre titular
  3. Întrebări pentru identificarea calificării
  4. Întrebări referitoare la experienţa profesională
  5. Întrebări referitoare la exercitarea profesiei
  6. Întrebări referitoare la documentele din anexă

1. Întrebări pentru identificarea profesiei

1.1 Identificarea profesiei

1.2 Titlu de calificare

1.3 Diplome eliberate de ţări terţe

1.1 Identificarea profesiei (I)

1.1 Identificarea profesiei (II)

1.2 Titlu de calificare

1.3 Diplome eliberate de ţări terţe

2. Întrebări despre titular

2.1 Cetăţenie

2.2 Titularul calificărilor

2.3 Cursuri de formare urmate

2.4 Membru al unei asociaţii

2.1 Cetăţenie

2.2 Titularul calificărilor

2.3 Cursuri de formare urmate

2.4 Membru al unei asociaţii

3. Întrebări pentru identificarea calificării

3.1 Diplome eliberate de ţări terţe

3.2 Titularul calificărilor

3.3 Drepturi dobândite

3.4 Cursuri de formare urmate

3.5 Titlu de calificare

3.1 Diplome eliberate de ţări terţe

3.2 Titularul calificărilor (I)

3.2 Titularul calificărilor (II)

3.2 Titularul calificărilor (III)

3.3 Drepturi dobândite

3.4 Cursuri de formare urmate (I)

3.4 Cursuri de formare urmate (II)

3.5 Titlu de calificare

4. Întrebări referitoare la experienţa profesională

4.1 Diplome eliberate de ţări terţe

4.2 Drepturi dobândite

4.3 Activităţi specifice sectorului farmaceutic

4.1 Diplome eliberate de ţări terţe

4.2 Drepturi dobândite

4.3 Activităţi specifice sectorului farmaceutic

5. Întrebări referitoare la exercitarea profesiei

5.1 Domiciliul legal pe teritoriul UE

5.2 Dreptul de a exercita o profesie

5.3 Sancţiuni profesionale

5.4 Documente pentru recunoaştere

5.2 Dreptul de a exercita o profesie (I)

5.2 Dreptul de a exercita o profesie (II)

5.2 Dreptul de a exercita o profesie (III)

5.3 Sancţiuni profesionale (I)

5.3 Sancţiuni profesionale (II)

5.4 Documente pentru recunoaştere (I)

5.4 Documente pentru recunoaştere (II)

6. Întrebări referitoare la documentele din anexă

6.1 Diplome eliberate de ţări terţe / 6.2 Asigurări

6.3 Titularul calificărilor

6.4 Cursuri de formare urmate

6.5 Drepturi dobândite

6.6 Documente pentru recunoaştere

6.7 Identificarea profesiei

6.1 Diplome eliberate de ţări terţe

6.2 Asigurări

6.3 Titularul calificărilor

6.4 Cursuri de formare urmate (I)

6.4 Cursuri de formare urmate (II)

6.4 Cursuri de formare urmate (III)

6.4 Cursuri de formare urmate (IV)

6.4 Cursuri de formare urmate (V)

6.5 Drepturi dobândite

6.6 Documente pentru recunoaştere

6.7 Identificarea profesiei

Frequently Asked Questions for IMI PQ

Is [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] the lawful holder of the attached document? 1166
Does [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] lawfully hold evidence of professional qualifications giving access in your territory to the profession of [${Profession}]? 592
What profession is [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] entitled to pursue in your territory? 572
Does [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}], holder of the diploma [${FreeTextDiploma}] for the profession of [${Profession}] , have the right to pursue the relevant professional activities throughout your territory? 531
Can you confirm that, as of [${DateOfRequest}], [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] is not the subject of any disciplinary sanction in your territory, including with temporary effects, which is likely to have consequences for the pursuit of his/her professional activities of [${Profession}]? 523
Is the profession [${Profession}] regulated in your territory? 460
When was the attached document awarded? 396
Does [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] hold evidence of formal qualifications certifying successful completion of training recognised by you as being of an equivalent level and conferring the same rights of access to or pursuit of the profession of [${Profession}] or preparing for the pursuit of that profession? 379
What is the professional qualification delivered in your territory to [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}]? 300
Does [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] lawfully hold the diploma listed for your country in Annex 5.1.1 of Directive 2005/36/EC? 263
Does [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] lawfully hold the diploma listed for your country in Annex 5.2.2 of Directive 2005/36/EC? 221
Which are the professional activities covered by the profession [${Profession}] in your territory? 210
Is the professional title [${FreeTextTitle}] for the profession of [${Profession}] regulated in your territory? 204
To what level does the attached evidence of formal qualification correspond? 161
Does[${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] lawfully hold evidence of formal qualifications conferring acquired rights in your territory for the exercise of the profession of [${Profession}]? 134
Which age range can be taught by the migrant [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] 134
Which subjects can be taught by the migrant [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}]? 134
Has [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] been effectively and lawfully engaged in the activities of [${Profession}] for at least 3 years during the past 5 years in your territory as from the date of request for recognition: [${DateRecognition}]? 126
Is the education and training leading to the profession of [${Profession}] regulated in your territory? 125
Does [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] lawfully hold evidence of formal qualifications giving access to the profession [${Profession}] which certifies regulated education and training? 122
Does the professional activity [${FreeTextActivity}] form part of the profession [${Profession}] in your territory? 122
Does the attached evidence of formal qualifications certify successful completion of training recognised by you as being of an equivalent level and conferring on [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] the same rights of access to or pursuit of the profession [${Profession}] or preparing for the pursuit of that profession? 114
Is [${FreeTextTitle}] the academic title conferred on [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] in your territory for the profession of [${Profession}] ? 101
What is the professional title for the exercise of the profession of [${Profession}] in your territory? 96
Does the attached evidence of formal qualifications giving access to the profession of [${Profession}] certify regulated education and training? 96
Are you aware whether as of [${DateOfRequest}], [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] is the subject of any disciplinary sanction in any other country, including with temporary effects, which is likely to have consequences for the pursuit of his/her professional activities of [${Profession}] ? 95
Can you confirm that, as of [${DateOfRequest}], [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] is not the subject of any criminal sanction in your territory, including with temporary effects, which is likely to have consequences for the pursuit of his/her professional activities of [${Profession}]? 92
For how many years did [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] pursue the professional activity of [${Profession}] on a self-employed basis or as a manager of an undertaking? 92
According to the national legislation applicable in your territory, are you able to formally issue a document concerning the absence of suspension or prohibition of the pursuit of the relevant professional activities for serious professional misconduct or criminal offence with regard to [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}]? 88
Does [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] lawfully hold the diploma listed for your country in Annex 5.3.2 of Directive 2005/36/EC? 79
Does the attached certificate lawfully justify that [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] fulfils the conditions of training required in Article 24 with a view to obtaining of the diploma [${FreeTextDiploma}] for the profession of [${Profession}] ? 79
Does the diploma [${FreeTextDiploma}] for the profession of [${Profession}] held by [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] certify successful completion of training in accordance with Article 23 and is treated by you in the same way as the diploma listed for your country in the relevant Annex to Directive 2005/36/EC? 78
Is [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] a national of your Member State? 75
Is the [${FreeTextAbbreviatedTitle}] the abbreviated form for the professional title [${FreeTextTitle}] conferred on [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] in your territory for the profession of [${Profession}]? 74
According to the national legislation applicable in your territory, are you able to formally issue a document concerning the good character or repute with regard to [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}]? 72
Does the diploma [${FreeTextDiploma}] have the same legal validity within your territory as the diplomas which you issue and which benefit from automatic recognition as regards access to the professional activities of [${Profession}] and the pursuit of such activities? 69
When was the diploma [${FreeTextDiploma}] for the profession of [${Profession}] held by [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] awarded? 68
Does the attached evidence of formal qualifications confer on [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] acquired rights in your territory for the exercise of the profession of [${Profession}] 63
Are you aware whether as of [${DateOfRequest}], [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] is the subject of any criminal sanction in any other country, including with temporary effects, which is likely to have consequences for the pursuit of his/her professional activities of [${Profession}] ? 62
To which profession does the attached evidence of formal qualifications give access in your territory? 59
Does [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] lawfully hold the diploma listed for your country in Annex 5.6.2 of Directive 2005/36/EC? 55
Did [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}] receive previous training for the professional activity of [${Profession}], evidenced by a certificate recognised by the Member State or judged by a competent professional body to be fully valid? 52
What is the duration of the previous training, evidenced by a certificate recognised by the Member State or judged by a competent professional body to be fully valid, received by [${Title} ${FirstName} ${SurName}]? 52