Universitatea ¨Athenaeum¨ din Bucureşti


The „Athenaeum” University from Bucharest was founded in 1990 as private higher education and is accredited by Law.

During its entire activity, marked by the 18 years of existence,the full attention of the university management was focused on the content of education, on providing the dimension and structure of knowledge in concord with the request-offer educational equation, this itself being in permanent dynamics within the internal space and within the European and International space, as well.

We must stress that the guarantee of the university offer quality was represented by an elite academic staff, represented by the prestigious university teaching staff, scientists and specialists in different fields of economy, management, law, human sciences etc. It its reformation according to the principles and requests of the Bologna Process, the Romanian educational System undergoes major transformations, especially in the academic year 2005-2006, transformations that refer to organizing and content that should be compatible with the European educational system.

Therefore we take into account:

Such a type of education is the one we consider as being adequate to the product market, respectively to qualifications and capable of maintaining itself in the dynamic feed-back couple of the two vectors: University – Practice, realizing at full range the educational system synergy.