
Profesii reglementate în România înregistrate în RegProf Lista autorităţilor competente pentru profesiile reglementate în România Autorităţi competente şi persoane de contact desemnate pentru RegProf

Profesiile reglementate în Uniunea Europeană

Generic name of professions in the Regulated Professions Database

589 generic names of professions / 589 denumiri generice ale profesiilor :


Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Accountant/ Tax advisor 40 (+1) expert_contabil 004
consultant_fiscal 006
Accounting technician 2 (-2)
Actuary 7
Acupuncturist 1
Adult education teacher 7 (+2)
Aeronautical engineer 5
Aesthetician/ Beauty care services 20 (+4)
Agricultural expert/technician 19 (+1)
Agricultural/farm machinery/engine maintenance/repair 7
Agriculture and forestry advisor / expert 6 (+2)
Agronomist / agricultural engineer 7 (+1)
Agronomist-technician 1
Air accident investigator 2
Air conditioning technician/Heating/Central heating technician/installer/repairer/Maintenance-Installation of ventilation equipment 32 (+2)
Air flight navigator 5 (+1) navigator_aerian
mecanic_navigant 072
Air flight professions not elsewhere classified 15 (+4) Meteorolog aeronautic prognozist 058
personal_aeronautic_pentru_protectia_navigatiei_aeriene_si_telecomunicatii_aeronautice_pna-tc 059, 074
Inginer de recepţie şi control aeronave 060
Auditor de securitate a aviaţiei civile 061
personal_tehnic_aeronautic 062, 071
dispecer_operatiuni_de_zbor 070
Meteorolog aeronautic tehnician 073
Air traffic controller 10 controlor_trafic_aerian_dirijare
Aircraft technician 11 (+1)
Airline pilot 20 (+1) Pilot aeronave 075
Airport fire officer / airport firefighter 4
Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counsellor 2
Animal experimentation technician 8 (+3)
Animal keeper 8 (+3)
Animal organ transplantation 1
Animal trainer 2
Arbitrator 3
Archeologist 8 (+3)
Architect 52 (+3) arhitect I
Arhitect (Drepturi dobândite)
Architectural Technologist 6 (+5)
Archivist 12 (+3) arhivist 031
Arhivar 147
Armed forces personnel 7 (+2)
Art teacher 7 (+3)
Artificial inseminator 13 (+4)
Arts and entertainment professions 16 (+16)
Arts therapist in the health service 2
Asbestos removal expert 4 (+1)
Assistant forester 1
Assistant in animal care 4 (+1)
Assistant lecturer 2 (-1)
Assistant prosector 3
Assistant teacher 4 (+1)
Associate engineer 2
Auctioneer 6
Auditor/ Accountant 41 (-1) contabil_autorizat 005
auditor_financiar 001
Average adjuster 2
Aviation Radio operator 3 Operator radio navigant

Other profession listed in IMI:

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Other professions listed in IMI:


Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Cabin steward 1
Cable transport safety technician 1
Captain (lakeland/inland shipping/navigation) 7 (+2) Căpitan fluvial categoria A 095
Căpitan fluvial categoria B 096
Captain / Skipper (Coastal shipping) 5
Captain, merchant marine (ocean shipping) 6 Comandant 049
Car bodyworker / Panel beater /Car painter 14
Car mechanic 9
Car technician 4
Car, taxi and van drivers 18 (+18) conducator_auto_care_efectueaza_transport_rutier_in_regim_de_taxi 114
Cardiopneumographic technician 1
Cattle Trader 1
Chartered Scientist 1
Chartered secretary 1
Chartered technician 1
Chemical engineer 5
Chemical laboratory technician / Chemical laboratory work 4 (-3)
Chemist 12 (-1) chimist_in_sistemul_sanitar 021
Chief engineer class I fishing vessel 6 (-2)
Chief engineer fishing fleet 0 (-2)
Chief mechanic, merchant marine 3 (-1) Șef mecanic 051
Șef mecanic portuar 078
Șef mecanic fluvial 098
Child care worker 27 (+14) asistent_maternal 145
Child psychotherapist 2 cadru_didactic_invatamant_preuniversitar (funcţii didactice: profesor_psiholog_scolar) 007
Psihopedagogie specială (vezi psiholog) 018
Child supervisor 7 (+5) Bonă 150
Chimney sweep 12 (+2)
Chiropodist (podiatrist) 23 (+3)
Chiropractor 13 (+1)
Civil Protection officer / Emergency services officer 3
Civil and environmental engineer 1 (-4)
Civil engineer 28 (+9)
Civil servant 11 (-4)
Cleaning of monuments, facades and buildings 2
Clinical psychologist 7 Psihologie judiciară - evaluarea comportamentului simulat prin tehnică poligraf (vezi psiholog) 018
Coach/Trainer 17 (+11) Antrenor 151
lector_pentru_pregatirea_si_perfectionarea_profesionala_a_personalului_de_specialitate_din_domeniul_transporturilor_rutiere 068
Instructor în poligonul de tir 137
Instructor în poligonul de tragere 138
Colourist 3 (+1)
Commercial agent 1
Commissioner for oaths 1
Commodity broker 1 (-1)
Communications electronics 2
Community health officer 2
Company first aid officer 0 (-1)
Confectioner /Cake /Chocolate maker 4
Conservator/Conservator-restorer/Restorer/Renovator 30 (+8) restaurator 016
Construction/Civil engineering: building of roads, bridges, railways 15 (+1)
Consulting engineer 1 (-1)
Conveyancer 3
Cook 4
Coordinator of procurement and transplantation of cells, tissues and organs 1
Corporate lawyer 1
Corset maker 1
Court administrator 6
Crane Technician 1 (-1)
Crane operator 28
Credit broker 2
Customs officer/agent 9 (+1)

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Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Dance teacher 9 (+2)
Data processing/ cataloguing data 2 (+1)
Death care industry professions 5 (+5)
Debt-collector 2
Deck officer and engineer class V, fishing fleet 1
Deck officer and engineer class VI, fishing fleet 1
Deck officer class I fishing vessel 2
Deck officer class II fishing vessel 5
Deck officer class III fishing vessel 1
Deck officer class IV fishing fleet 1
Deck officer second hand fishing fleet 2
Deep-sea fishing vessel skipper 1
Defectologist in the health sector 1
Dental Practitioner 85 (+10) medic_dentist V
Specialist în chirurgie_dento-alveolara
Specialist în ortodontie_si_ortopedie_dento-faciala
Dental assistant/ Dental Nurse 16 (+3)
Dental health secretary 1
Dental hygienist 21 (+3)
Dental technician 34 (+2) tehnician_dentar 023
Dental therapist 3 (+1)
Dermatologist 1
Dietician 28 (+1)
Director of artificial insemination centre 1 (-1)
Diver 26 (+3) scafandru 149
Sef de scufundare
Diving instructor 4
Doctor of Medicine 1408 (+40) alergologie_si_imunologie_clinica IV
Basic medical training
Chirurgie plastică — microchirurgie reconstructivă
Medic specialist medicină de familie
Radiologie-imagistică medicală
Doctor's surgery assistant 2
Domestic livestock trading professions 1
Doorman 4 (+2) Agent control acces 132
Draughtsman 1
Driving instructor 38 (+2) instructor_de_conducere_auto 115
profesor_de_legislatie_rutiera 063
Driving school owner /manager/assistant manager 12
Driving test examiner 8 (+2)
Druggist 5

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Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
EU aviation security programme validator 1
Ecclesiastical professions 4
Economist 5
Electrical Engineering / Electromechanical engineering 6 (+1)
Electrical Technician 6 (+3)
Electrical and computer (technology) engineer 3
Electrical draughtsman 2 (-1)
Electrical engineer 5 (-1)
Electrical equipment/appliances contractor/repairer/installer 12 (+1)
Electrician / Senior electrician /Specialised electrician 22 (+4)
Electricity equipment and installation inspector 4
Electricity power plant staff 7
Electricity services supervisor / Electrical manager 7 (+1)
Electromechanical engineer 4
Electronic engineering and Computer systems technician 1
Electronic technician 8
Electronic telecommunications engineer 4
Emergency alarm system officer 2
Emergency rescue personnel 1 salvator_montan 141
Employment officer 5
Energy engineer 11 (+3)
Energy professions not elsewhere classified 18 (+2) Auditor energetic pentru clădiri 012
Engine maintenance/repair 2
Engine operator class I, II, III 14 (-4)
Engineer 12 (+2)
Engineer class IV, fishing fleet 1
Engineer fishing fleet 1
Engineer not elsewhere classified 4 (+2)
Engineer officer class III (fu) fishing fleet 2
Engineer, 1st class, fishing fleet 0 (-1)
Engineer, First class, merchant marine 1 (-3)
Engineer, class II, merchant marine 1
Engraver 2
Environmental consultant/ Environmental assessor/ Environmental auditor 13 (+1)
Environmental engineer 4
Environmental health officer 14
Epoxide worker 2
Excavator operator 7 (+4)
Explosives Manager in mines 3
Explosives experts 15 (+9)

Other profession listed in IMI:

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Other professions listed in IMI:

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Other profession listed in IMI:

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Other professions listed in IMI:


Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Jewellery making and cutting of precious stones 0 (-1) - -
Joiner/Carpenter 17 (+1) - -
Journalist 2 - -
Judge 0 (-1) - -
Judicial technical expert 3 (+1) expert_tehnic_judiciar 028
Expert criminalist 029
Junior architect 4 (-1) vezi arhitect I


Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Keeper of public records 4 Grefier 048
Kennel manager 1
Kindergarten teacher/ Nursery school teacher/Preparatory school teacher 37 (+5) cadru_didactic_invatamant_preuniversitar (funcţii didactice: profesor_pentru_invatamant_prescolar/educator/educatoare) 007


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Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Machinery operator 27 (+14)
Management consultant 1
Manager (not elsewhere classified) 5
Manager of animal breeding programmes 8 (+4)
Manager of boat-handling school (sea and inland) 1
Manager of livestock-breeding establishment (non domestic animals) 2
Manager of protected area 1 Manager de securitate 122
Manicurist 0 (-1)
Manpower supply agent 1
Manufacture / Processing / Import of dangerous chemicals 2 (-1)
Manufacture and/or repair of precision instruments and measuring and controlling instruments 3
Manufacture of cosmetic products 2
Manufacture of ladies' and men's clothing and linen 1
Manufacture of medico-surgical instruments and equipment and orthopaedic appliances (except orthopaedic footwear) 1
Manufacture of plant equipment (mines,iron & steel foundries, construction industry) and mechanical handling equipment 5
Manufacture, handling and trade of security materials 1
Marine Electro Automation Officer 1
Marine engineer 7 ofiter_mecanic maritim pentru nave cu putere motor principal de 750 kW sau mai mare 056
Ofiţer mecanic portuar 079
Ofiţer mecanic maritim aspirant 082
Marine engineering officer class I 9
Marine engineering officer class II 8 (+1) Ofiţer mecanic secund 052
Marine engineering officer class III 4
Marine engineering officer class IV 4
Marine engineering technician 0 (-1) Fitter 089
Maritime mediator 1
Marketing consultant 3 (-1)
Mason /Bricklayer 11
Mass media and communications specialist 5
Masseur/Massage therapist/Spa therapist 22 (+1)
Master builder 19 (+15)
Master who trains apprentices/ Instructor for particular trades 1
Mathematical applications expert 2
Measurement and control technologist 9
Mechanic, merchant marine 1
Mechanical engineer 6 (+1)
Mechatronics 4
Mediator 5 (+2) mediator 030
Medical physicist 1) 11
Medical representative 1
Medical secretary 2
Medical/Biomedical laboratory technician 36
Metal caster / Foundry worker 9
Metal design/Surface engineering 4
Meteorologist 2 (+1)
Midwife 32 moasa VII
Miller / Milling|Miller / Milling 3
Minerals surveyor 1
Mining and metallurgy expert 4 (+1)
Mining electrician 7 (+4)
Mining engineer 15 (+3)
Mining engineering technician 4 (-1)
Mining manager 29 (+1)
Mining mechanic 11
Mining professions not elsewhere classified (underground and open pit mines) 8 (+3)
Mining safety/ rescue professions 12 (+2)
Mining supervisor/ deputy 11 (+3)
Mining surveyor 5 (+1)
Mobile Offshore Unit related professions 9 (-1)
Model builder (Wooden/Architectural)/ Model joiner 2
Motorcycle/Motorbike repairer 4 (+1)
Mountain sport instructor 1 (-1)
Museum Worker 15 (+13)
Museum director/Curator 4 (+2)
Mushroom expert 3 (+1)
Music teacher 12 (+7)
Musical instrument manufacturer-repairer 8 (-1)



Other professions not listed in IMI:


Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Painter-decorator 14 (+2)
Paralegal 1
Paramedic /Ambulance nurse/ Other ambulance professionals 21 (+3)
Patent Agent / Trademark agent 23 (+2) consilier_in_proprietate_industriala 003
Pedagogue-Counsellor 12 (+4)
Perfusionist 3
Pest control /Disinfection/ Handling of poisonous or non poisonous products 8 (+1)
Pesticide sprayer/Crop protection contractor 8 (+5)
Petroleum industry - production and processing of fuels and lubricants 3
Pharmaceutical technician/Pharmaceutical assistant 25 (+4)
Pharmacist 65 (+27) farmacist III
Photographer / Photography 3 (-1)
Physicist 2
Physiotherapist 36 (+1)
Planning and regional development engineer/physical planner 10 (+6)
Plant expert 2
Plasterer 7
Plastics processing 1
Plumber 11
Police officer 8 (-1)
Port worker 1 (-1)
Potholing guide 1 (-1)
Potter / Ceramist /Ceramicist 2
Precious metals tester 1
Pressure vessel installer 6 (+3)
Primary school teacher 36 (+4) cadru_didactic_invatamant_preuniversitar (funcţii didactice: profesor_pentru_invatamant_primar) 007
Printer 5 (+1)
Private detective 17 (+5) detectiv_particular 119
Probation Officer 2 (-1) consilier_de_probatiune 027
Processing of milk and dairy products 5
Producer and distributor of animal foodstuffs 5 (+1)
Producer and wholesaler of pharmaceuticals and poisons 2
Production and management engineer 1
Production and processing of wines, spirits and other alcoholic substances 3
Professional parachutist 2 (+1)
Professional services managers 0
Professions in the field of waste management and disposal 10 (+1)
Property management professions 4 (+3)
Prosthetist and orthotist / Orthopaedic technician /Surgical truss-maker 32 (+8)
Psychologist 36 (+6) psiholog 018
Psychomotor therapist 6
Psychotherapist 13 (+2) Persoane atestate în psihoterapie (vezi psiholog) 018
Public finance accountant 4
Public prosecutor 1
Pyrotechnian / Manufacture and/or trade in pyrotechnical articles 11 (+1) pirotehnist_pentru_focuri_de_artificii 140

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Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Quantity surveyor 4 (+1) - -


Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Radiation protection officer (medical) 2
Radio communication professions 4
Radio protection officer (non-medical) 6
Radio technician 2
Radiographer / Radiotherapist 35 (+6)
Rafting guide 1
Railway brakers, signallers and shunters 15 (+2)
Railway carriage inspector 4
Railway professions not elsewhere classified 22 (+3)
Railway station master 6
Raising of livestock/poultry/rabbits/fur-bearing animals 3 (+1)
Real Estate agent /Real estate agency manager/administrator/director 18
Recruitment Agency Manager (private) 1
Refrigeration technician 4 (+2)
Repair of motor vehicles 19 (+3)
Researcher 3
Responsible of a laboratory animal centre 3
Restaurant owner/manager /Caterer/Catering manager/Banquet organiser 5
Road Passenger Carrier 4 (+1) conducator_auto_care_efectueaza_transport_rutier_public_de_persoane 112
Road haulier 8 (+2)
Road safety professions not elsewhere classified 5 (+1) Conducător de atelier din domeniul reparaţiilor şi/sau reglărilor funcţionale a vehiculelor rutiere, dezmembrării vehiculelor scoase din uz, precum şi în domeniul înlocuirii de şasiuri/caroserii ale vehiculelor 064, 107
Auditor de siguranţă rutieră 065
Auditor de evaluare de impact de siguranţă rutieră 066
Inspector de siguranţă rutieră 067
consilier_de_siguranta_pentru_transportul_rutier_al_marfurilor_periculoase 109
Road transport drivers not classified elsewhere 1
Road transport manager 3 (+2) Manager de transport 108
Road/Street Works professions 17 (+11)
Roofer / Roofing 10 (+2)
Rope/Net Maker/Repairer 2
Rubber and/or Asbestos processing /Tyre repair 4


Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Sadler /Manufacture of leather goods and accessories 5
Safety advisor for the transport of dangerous goods 6 (-1)
Sailor 74 (+65) marinar 102
Marinar stagiar 103
Sales manager plant protection and/or pest control products/Pesticide purchaser 4 (-1)
Sales manager/Sales person not elsewhere classified 1
Scaffolder 7 (+3)
School inspector 1
Sculptor 3 (+1)
Seafaring professions 9 (+8)
Second engineer class II, fishing vessel 3
Second level nurse 28 (+3)
Secondary school teacher 55 (+6) cadru_didactic_invatamant_preuniversitar (funcţii didactice: profesor, profesor_de_sprijin_itinerant, profesor_documentarist, profesor-antrenor_antrenor) 007
Securities broker 1
Security guard / Warden 50 (+9) agent_de_paza_control_acces_ordine_si_interventie
agent_de_securitate 120
Șef obiectiv 121
Șef formaţie pază şi ordine 126
Agent conducători câini de serviciu 131
Agent de securitate incinte 133
Agent gardă de corp 134
Agent de intervenţie pază şi ordine 135
Agent transport valori 136
Security instructor in the field of aviation security 2 (+1)
Security screener (aviation security) 1
Security systems professional 11 (+1) Inginer sisteme de securitate 123
Director departament securitate 124
Proiectant sisteme de securitate 125
Inspector de securitate 127
Evaluator de risc efracţie 128
Consultant de securitate; Șef tură 129
Dispecer centru de alarmă 130
Ship's Deck Rating 5 (+2) Timonier maritim 084
Timonier fluvial 097
Şef timonier maritim 091
Șef de echipaj maritim 086
Șef de echipaj fluvial 101
Ship's Deck officer (inshore shipping) 1 Ofiţer punte portuar 077
Ship's Deck officer class 1 merchant marine 8
Ship's Deck officer class I 3
Ship's Deck officer class II / 1st mate 8 (-1) Ofiţer punte secund 050
Ship's Deck officer class III / 2nd mate 4
Ship's Deck officer class IV / 3rd mate 2
Ship's Deck officer class V 2
Ship's Deckhand 5 (-1)
Ship's Engine Rating 6 (+4) Motorist 085
Pompagiu 090
Ajutor ofiţer mecanic 092
Ship's Executive Officer 7
Ship's Pilot 7 (+1) Pilot maritim 053, 093
Pilot maritim aspirant 054, 094
Ship's Radio officer, merchant marine 3 (-1)
Ship's Radio operator, class II, merchant marine 5 (-1)
Ship's cook 4 (-1)
Ship's electrician 5 (+2) ofiter_electrician 057
Ofiţer electrician portuar 080
Ofiţer electrician maritim aspirant 083
Electrician 088
Electrician de bord 105
Ship's electrician foreman 0 (-1)
Ship's engineer/engineering watch/mechanic 6 (+1)
Ship's mecanic 2 Mecanic 099
Mecanic stagiar 104
Shipbroker/Shipping Agent 2
Shipbuilding 2
Shoemaker /Cobbler 5
Shotfirer 10 (+2)
Sign language interpreter 3 (+1) Interpret limbaj mimico-gestual 032
interpret_limbaj_specific_persoanei_cu_surdocecitate 156
Ski and/or mountain/canyon guide/ mountain leader 13 (-1)
Ski instructor 8 (+2) Monitor de schi, snowboard şi sporturi de alunecare pe zăpadă 157
Ski lift technician 2
Skipper, home trade 2
Skipper/deck officer fishing fleet 12
Social pedagogue-Counsellor 4 (-1)
Social worker 70 (+32) asistent_social 024
Solariums/ beauty salon services 1
Special needs care worker 7 asistent_personal_profesionist 143
asistent_personal 144
Special needs teacher 27 (+6) cadru_didactic_invatamant_preuniversitar (funcţii didactice: profesor_kinetoterapeut, profesor_preparator_nevazator, profesor-educator, profesor-psihopedagog) 007
Specialised teachers, not elsewhere classified 30 (+1)
Specialist in the use of ionising radiation 4 (+1)
Speech and language therapist 28 (+2) cadru_didactic_invatamant_preuniversitar (funcţii didactice: profesor-logoped_logoped) 007
Sports instructor 92 (+11)
Steel shipbuilding 1
Stonemason /Stonecutter 6
Stovemaker/Stove fitter 8 (+1)
Surgical assistant 4 (+1)
Surveyor 41 (+18) inginer_geodez 034
inginer_cadastru 035
Tehnician cadastru 152
inginer_topograf 036
Tehnician topograf 153
inginer_cartograf 037
Tehnician cartograf 154
inginer_topograf_minier 038
Tehnician topograf minier 155
subinginer_geodez 039
subinginer_cadastru 040
subinginer_topograf 041
subinginer_cartograf 042
subinginer_topograf_minier 043
ofiter_topograf 044
ofiter_artilerie_cu_adeverinta_de_echivalare_a_studiilor_in_domeniul_topografiei_si_cadastrului_funciar 045
ofiter_cartograf 046
geograf_cu_specializarea_cartografie 047

Other professions listed in IMI:

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Other professions listed in IMI:

Renamed and moved to „C“ in RegProf:

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Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Underground rail professions 1 (-5)
University teacher/professor 15 (-4) cadru_didactic_invatamant_superior (funcţii didactice: asistent universitar, lector universitar/şef de lucrări, conferenţiar universitar, profesor_universitar) 008
Upholsterer 4

Other profession listed in IMI:



Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Waiter / Waiting 3 - -
Watchmaker/repairer 6 - -
Water and sewer systems professional/Pipe and drainage professional 5 (+1) - -
Water service manager 4 (-1) - -
Welder / steel worker 15 (+5) - -
Well sinker 5 (+1) - -
Wheelwright 1 - -
Wholesale intermediary 2 (+1) - -
Wine-taster 2 - -
Wood turner /Sawer/ Wheelwright 5 - -
Wooden boatbuilding 1 (-1) - -
Wooden furniture maker 2 - -

Other profession listed in IMI:


Generic name of profession Number of regulated professions Profesia reglementată în România ID Anexa 2 OG 43/2015
Zoo technician 0 (-1) - -


Evaluarea reciprocă

Cele 6 profesii, prevăzute în grupul 1, care vor fi discutate în cele trei întâlniri de evaluare reciprocă din 2014 la Bruxelles:

Data Profesia Sectorul
6 iunie 2014, dimineaţa agent imobiliar (Real estate agent) Real estate
6 iunie 2014, după-amiaza instructor de conducere auto (Driving instructor) Transport
30 septembrie 2014, dimineaţa inginer civil (Civil engineer) Construction
30 septembrie 2014, după-amiaza arhitect (Architect) Business services
24 noiembrie 2014, dimineaţa electrician (Electrician) Construction
24 noiembrie 2014, după-amiaza optician (Optician) Wholesale and retail