===== Manufacturing ===== ==== Manufacture of bread; manufacture of fresh pastry goods and cakes ==== | [[professions:regprof:baker_pastry_maker]] | | [[professions:regprof:confectioner_cake_chocolate_maker]] | ==== Manufacture of grain mill products ==== | [[:miller_milling]] | ==== Manufacture of prepared animal feeds ==== | [[:producer_and_distributor_of_animal_foodstuffs]] | ==== Operation of dairies and cheese making ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:processing_of_milk_and_dairy_products]] | ==== Manufacture of beer ==== | [[:brewer_beer_and_malt_producer]] | ==== Manufacture of beverages ==== | [[:production_and_processing_of_wines_spirits_and_other_alcoholic_substances]] | | [[:wine_processing_technician]] | ==== Manufacture of wine from grape ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:oenologist]] | | [[:wine-taster]] | ==== Manufacture of tobacco products ==== | [[:tobacco_processing_and_manufacture_of_tobacco_products]] | ==== Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting ==== | [[:rope_net_maker_repairer]] | ==== Manufacture of textiles ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:textile_expert]] | | [[:textile_technologist]] | ==== Manufacture of wearing apparel ==== | [[:corset_maker]] | | [[en:professions:regprof:furrier_manufacture_r_of_leather_clothes_tanner]] | | [[en:professions:regprof:tailor_ladies_men_s_dressmaker]] | ==== Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel ==== | [[:manufacture_of_ladies_and_men_s_clothing_and_linen]] | ==== Manufacture of footwear ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:shoemaker_cobbler]] | ==== Manufacture of leather and related products ==== | [[:sadler_manufacture_of_leather_goods_and_accessories]] | ==== Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials ==== | [[:barrelmaker_master_cooper]] | | [[:model_builder_wooden_architectural_model_joiner]] | | [[en:professions:regprof:wood_turner_sawer_wheelwright]] | ==== Binding and related services ==== | [[:bookbinder]] | ==== Printing and reproduction of recorded media ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:printer]] | | [[:screen_printer]] | ==== Manufacture of refined petroleum products ==== | [[:petroleum_industry_-_production_and_processing_of_fuels_and_lubricants]] | ==== Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms ==== | [[:plastics_processing]] | ==== Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products ==== | [[:epoxide_worker]] | | [[:specialist_in_the_use_of_ionising_radiation]] | | [[:technician_working_with_styrene]] | ==== Manufacture of dyes and pigments ==== | [[:colourist]] | | [[:dyer_and_colourist]] | ==== Manufacture of explosives ==== | [[:explosives_experts]] | | [[:pyrotechnian_manufacture_and_or_trade_in_pyrotechnical_articles]] | ==== Manufacture of other chemical products ==== | [[:manufacture_processing_import_of_dangerous_chemicals]] | ==== Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c. ==== | [[:handling_of_dangerous_chemicals_biological_agents_and_toxins]] | ==== Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations ==== | [[:manufacture_of_cosmetic_products]] | ==== Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations ==== | [[:producer_and_wholesaler_of_pharmaceuticals_and_poisons]] | ==== Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres ==== | [[:rubber_and_or_asbestos_processing_tyre_repair]] | ==== Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:stonemason_stonecutter]] | ==== Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products ==== | [[:potter_ceramist_ceramicist]] | ==== Casting of metals ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:metal_caster_foundry_worker]] | ==== Manufacture of basic metals ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:welder_steel_worker]] | ==== Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy ==== | [[professions:regprof:blacksmith_farrier_forging_stamping_pressing]] | ==== Manufacture of central heating radiators and boilers ==== | [[:boilermaking]] | ==== Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment ==== | [[:tinsmith_coppersmith]] | ==== Manufacture of locks and hinges ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:locksmith]] | ==== Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:metal_design_surface_engineering]] | ==== Manufacture of tools ==== | [[:toolmaker]] | ==== Manufacture of weapons and ammunition ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:gunsmith_weapons-ammunition_manufacturer_trader]] | | [[:naval_weapons_engineer]] | ==== Treatment and coating of metals ==== | [[:enamelling]] | | [[:galvanizing_enamelling]] | ==== Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products ==== | [[:data_communications_specialist]] | | [[en:professions:regprof:electronic_engineering_and_computer_systems_technician]] | | [[en:professions:regprof:electronic_technician]] | | [[:mechatronics]] | | [[:multimedia_electronic_technician]] | ==== Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation ==== | [[:manufacture_and_or_repair_of_precision_instruments_and_measuring_and_controlling_instruments]] | ==== Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. ==== | [[:manufacture_of_plant_equipment_mines_iron_steel_foundries_construction_industry_and_mechanical_handling_equipment]] | ==== Building of ships and boats ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:naval_architect]] | | [[:wooden_boatbuilding]] | ==== Building of ships and floating structures ==== | [[:shipbuilding]] | | [[:steel_shipbuilding]] | ==== Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c. ==== | [[:wheelwright]] | ==== Manufacture of furniture ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:wooden_furniture_maker]] | ==== Manufacture of other furniture ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:upholsterer]] | ==== Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and related articles ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:gold_silversmith_gold_silversmithing_jeweller]] | | [[:jewellery_making_and_cutting_of_precious_stones]] | ==== Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies ==== | [[:manufacture_of_medico-surgical_instruments_and_equipment_and_orthopaedic_appliances_except_orthopaedic_footwear]] | | [[en:professions:regprof:orthopaedic_shoemaker]] | | [[en:professions:regprof:prosthetist_and_orthotist_orthopaedic_technician_surgical_truss-maker]] | ==== Manufacture of musical instruments ==== | [[en:professions:regprof:musical_instrument_manufacturer-repairer]] | ==== Other manufacturing n.e.c. ==== | [[:taxidermist]] |