pediatric====== Profesii reglementate în România ====== Semnificaţia codurilor de culori: | @yellow:galben | informații de actualizat (draft) | | @lightblue:albastru | informaţii transmise către Comisia Europeană pentru validare/aprobare (submitted) | | @red:roșu | neaprobat, trebuie modificat de către utilizatorul autorităţii competente, după care se va retransmite pentru validare (rejected) | | @lightgreen:verde | validat/aprobat de Comisia Europeană (valid/approved) | ^ General ^ Regulated professions - Decisions & Statistics ^ Competent authorities ^ Screening information ^ Proportionality (until 18.01.2016) ^ | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Agent de pază, control acces, ordine şi intervenţie]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ajutor ofiter mecanic]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Alergologie şi imunologie clinică]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Anatomie patologică]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Anestezie şi terapie intensivă]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Antrenor]] | SNA-CNFPA | @yellow:Ongoing screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Arhitect]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Arhitect (Drepturi dobândite)]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Arhivar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Arhivist]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent maternal]] | | | | | @yellow:Regulated professions being edited | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent medical de balneo-fizioterapie]] | OAMR | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent medical de farmacie]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent medical de igienă și sănătate publică]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent medical de laborator]] | OAMR | Start screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent medical de nutriție-dietetică]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent Medical Generalist]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent medical/tehnician de radiologie]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent medico-social]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent personal profesionist al persoanei cu handicap]] * | ANPD | @red:Ongoing screening | @red:Ongoing Proportionality ((Current screening information has been rejected with following comment: requested by Stefan Serban)) | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent social]] | CNASR | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: - could you please provide a short description of activities which can be performed only by this profession? - could you please provide a short explaination for the modification introduced rather than referring as not specified? -could you please provide a short explaination on why requirement on corporate form has been introduced rather than referring to not necessary. Thank you)) | Start proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent veterinar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Auditor de evaluare de impact de siguranţă rutieră]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Auditor energetic pentru cladiri]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Auditor financiar]] | | | | | @yellow:Regulated professions being edited | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Auditorul de siguranţă rutieră]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Avocat]] | | | | | @yellow:Regulated professions being edited | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Basic medical training - Romania]] | MS, CMR (!) | Start screening | Start proportionality | | @red:Regulated professions being edited ((Current data has been rejected with following comment: Please ensure the coherence between the activities covered and the reserved activities. thank you)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Biochimist in sistemul sanitar]] | OBBCSSR | @yellow:Ongoing screening | | | @red:Regulated professions being edited ((Current data has been rejected with following comment: Please ensure the coherence between the activities covered and the reserved activities. thank you)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Biolog în sistemul sanitar]] | OBBCSSR | | | | @lightblue:Regulated professions being edited | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Boli infecţioase]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | @red:Regulated professions being edited ((Current data has been rejected with following comment: Could you please complement the justification for imposing a prior check of qualifications under article 7-4 because currently you refer only to the procedure and not to the justification. Thank you in advance)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Cadru didactic în învăţământul superior]] | MEN-DGIU | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Capitan fluvial categoria A]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Capitan fluvial Categoria B]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Capitan maritim portuar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Cardiologie]] | MS, CMR | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: the duration of the training includes only the specialty training or also the general studies? it should include both)) | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Chimist in sistemul sanitar]] | OBBCSSR | @yellow:Ongoing screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Chirurgie generală]] | MS, CMR | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: the duration should cover both the general studies and the speciality studies (rezidentiat) )) | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Chirurgie Orală şi Maxilo-facială]] | MS, CMR | | Start proportionality | | @lightblue:Regulated professions being edited | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Chirurgie pediatrică]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Chirurgie plastică, estetică şi microchirurgie reconstructivă]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Chirurgie toracică]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Chirurgie vasculară]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Comandant]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Conducător atelier în domeniul reparării şi/sau reglării funcţionale a vehiculelor rutiere ori a atelierelor de dezmembrare a vehiculelor rutiere scoase din uz]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Conducător auto care efectuează transport rutier cu vehicule având mase și/sau dimensiuni de gabarit depășite]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Conducător auto care efectuează transport rutier de mărfuri cu vehicule a căror masă maximă autorizată este mai mare de 3,5 tone]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Conducător auto care efectuează transport rutier în regim de taxi]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Conducător auto care efectuează transport rutier public de persoane]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Conducător de autovehicule care transportă mărfuri periculoase]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Conducator de salupa fluviala]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Conducator de salupa maritima]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Consilier de probatiune]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Consilier de siguranță pentru transportul rutier al mărfurilor periculoase]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Consilier in Proprietate Industriala/ Consilier de Brevete/ Consilier de Marci/ Consilier de Desene]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Consilier juridic]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Consilier şcolar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Consultant fiscal]] | | | | | @red:Regulated professions being edited ((Current data has been rejected with following comment: could you clarify in the activities covered the differences with the activities covered/performed by the expert contabili. thank you)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Contabil autorizat]] | CECCAR | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: Please clarify what are the shared activities with expert contabil and activities reserved to that profession in order to better distinguish between these 2 professions. thank you)) | @yellow:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Controlor trafic aerian dirijare]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Dermatovenerologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Detectiv particular]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Diriginte de şantier]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Doctor medic veterinar]] | CMVRo | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: Could you please specify if there is prohibition on joint practices. Thank you)) | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Educator-puericultor]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Electrician]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Electrician de bord]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Endocrinologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Evaluator autorizat]] | ANEVAR | | @red:Ongoing Proportionality ((This "Proportionality" is in "rejected" state. with following comment: Could you please provide targeted responses to questions 3-4-5-6 ? Thank you in advance)) | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Expert contabil]] | CECCAR | | @yellow:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Expert criminalist]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Expert tehnic atestat]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Expert tehnic judiciar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Farmacist]] * | MS, ColegFarm | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: Could you please complement your submission by providing a short explaination on every requirement introduced rather than only referring to the law in force? Thank you in advance)) | @red:Ongoing Proportionality ((This "Proportionality" is in "rejected" state. with following comment: Could you please provide short explaination for questions 2 to 10 explaining why the profession is regulated. The mere reference to the law applicable and the collaboration with the relevant ministry is not sufficient. Thank you in advance)) | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Farmacologie clinică]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | Start proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Fitter]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Fizioterapeut]] | CFizio | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: Could you please notify all the requirements applicable before submitting, such as competency requirements as well as exercise requirements. Thank you)) | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Gastroenterologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Genetica medicala]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Geograf cu specializarea cartografie]] | | | | | @lightblue:Regulated professions being edited | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Geriatrie şi gerontologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ghid de turism]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Hematologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Inginer cadastru]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Inginer cartograf]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Inginer geodez]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Inginer topograf]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Inginer topograf minier]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Inspector ITP]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Inspectorul de siguranţă rutieră]] | | | | | @yellow:Regulated professions being edited | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Instructor de conducere auto]] | | | | | @yellow:Regulated professions being edited | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Instructor in poligonul de tragere]] | | | | | @red:Regulated professions being edited ((Current data has been rejected with following comment: rejected to the coordinator upon his request)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Interpret al limbajului mimico-gestual]] * | ANPD | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: Could you please provide a short explanation of the requirement introduced in complement to the law applicable. Thank you in advance)) | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Interpret al limbajului specific al persoanei cu surdocecitate]] * | ANPD | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: Could you please provide a short explanation of the requirement introduced and not refer only to the relevant law applicable. thank you in advance)) | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Lector necesar procesului de pregătire şi perfecţionare profesională a personalului de specialitate din domeniul transporturilor rutiere]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Macaragiu]] | ISCIR | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: Could you please notify all the requirements applicable (competency requirements as well as exercise requirements). thank you)) | n/a | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Manager de transport]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Marinar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Marinar fluvial]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Mecanic]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Mecanic de locomotivă]] | | | | | @red:Regulated professions being edited ((Current data has been rejected with following comment: 1. Recunoasterea este pe Directiva 2005/36? 2. Justificarea pt Art. 7.4)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Mecanic navigant]] | RNA | @yellow:Ongoing screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Mediator]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:medic dentist]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Medicină de laborator]] | MS, CMR | | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | @yellow:Regulated professions being edited | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Medicină de urgenţă]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Medicină internă]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Medicina muncii]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Medicină nucleară]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | Start proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Medic specialist medicină de familie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | Start proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Moaşă]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Motorist]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Navigator aerian]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Nefrologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | Start proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Neurochirurgie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Neurologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Obstetrică-ginecologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter artilerie (cu adeverinta de echivalare studiilor in domeniul topografiei si cadastrului funciar)]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter cartograf]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter de punte maritim aspirant]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter de punte maritim-portuar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter Electrician]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter electrician maritim aspirant]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter electrician maritim-portuar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter mecanic maritim aspirant]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiţer mecanic maritim pentru nave cu putere motor principal de 750 kW sau mai mare]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter mecanic maritim-portuar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter mecanic secund]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter Punte]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter Punte Secund]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ofiter topograf]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Oftalmologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Oncologie medicala]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Operator barocameră]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Operator radio navigant]] | RNA | Start screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Ortopedie şi traumatologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Otorinolaringologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Pediatrie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Pilot balon liber]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Pilot de avion]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Pilot elicopter]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Pilot maritim]] | | | | | Start transparency | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Pirotehnist pentru focuri de artificii]] | IGPR-DGAESP | Start screening | Start proportionality | | @lightblue:Regulated professions being edited | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Pneumologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Pompagiu]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Practician în insolvență]] | | | @red:Ongoing Proportionality ((Current screening information has been rejected with following comment: Please answer all the questions.)) | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor]] | | | | | @red:Regulated professions being edited ((Current data has been rejected with following comment: Could you please check if it should be rather classify under sports instructor rather than secondary teacher. Thank you)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor-antrenor / antrenor]] | MEN-DGISSEP | | | | @yellow:Regulated professions being edited | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor de legislație rutieră]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor de sprijin/itinerant]] | | | | | @red:Regulated professions being edited ((Current data has been rejected with following comment: Please be more specific about specific activities performed by this profession and which can only be performed by this profession. thank you)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor documentarist]] | MEN-DGISSEP | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: Please be more specific about which specific activities are reserved to that profession. thank you)) | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor-educator]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor kinetoterapeut]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor-logoped / logoped]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor pentru învăţământ preşcolar / educator/educatoare]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor pentru învățământ primar / învățător/învățătoare]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor preparator nevăzător]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor psiholog școlar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor-psihopedagog]] | | | | | @red:Regulated professions being edited ((Current data has been rejected with following comment: Could you please check the coherence between the description of the activities covered and the reserves of activities because they do not appear the same. Thank you)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Profesor sociolog]] | MEN-DGISSEP | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Psihiatrie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Psihiatrie pediatrica]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Psiholog]] * | CoPsi | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Radiologie-imagistică medicală]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Radioterapie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Reabilitare Medicală]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Responsabil tehnic cu execuția]] | | | | | Start transparency | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Restaurator]] | INCFC ? | Start screening | Start proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Reumatologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Salvator montan]] | | | | | @red:Regulated professions being edited ((Current data has been rejected with following comment: Could you please specify the required level of qualifications? Thank you in advance)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Sănătate publică şi management]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | Start proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Scafandru]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Scafandru greu]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Scafandru lucrator subacvatic]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Scafandru salvator]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Sef de echipaj fluvial]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Sef de echipaj maritim]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Sef de scufundare]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Sef mecanic]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Sef mecanic fluvial]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Sef mecanic maritim-portuar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Sef timonier maritim]] | | | | | Start transparency | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Specialist în Chirurgie dento-alveolară]] | MS, CMDR | Start screening | Start proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Specialist în Ortodonţie şi Ortopedie dento-facială]] | MS, CMDR | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: Please notify the exercise requirements. Thank you)) | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Stivuitorist]] | ISCIR | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: Could please notify all the requiremens applicable (competency and exercise requirements). Thank you)) | Start proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Subinginer cadastru]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Subinginer cartograf]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Subinginer geodez]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Subinginer topograf]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Subinginer topograf minier]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Tehnician cadastru]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Tehnician cartograf]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Tehnician dentar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Tehnician de scufundare]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Tehnician topograf]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Tehnician topograf minier]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Tehnician veterinar]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Timonier fluvial]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Timonier maritim]] | | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Traducător / interpret autorizat]] | MJ | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: Could you please fill in the field of reserves of activities? Thank you in advance)) | | | @red:Regulated professions being edited ((Current data has been rejected with following comment: Please correct the legal basis for regulation since Directive 2005/36/EC does not harmonise the training conditions, only the national law.)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Urbanist]] | RUR | | | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Urologie]] | MS, CMR | Start screening | @lightblue:Ongoing Proportionality | | | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Verificator de proiecte de construcţii]] | | | | | @yellow:New regulated professions | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Monitor de schi, snowboard şi sporturi de alunecare pe zăpadă]] | FRSB | @yellow:Ongoing screening | @yellow:Ongoing Proportionality | | @lightblue:New regulated professions | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Pilot maritim aspirant]] | RNA | | | | @yellow:New regulated professions | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Specialist în Endodonție]] | MS, CMDR | @yellow:Ongoing screening | | | @yellow:New regulated professions | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Specialist în Parodontologie]] | MS, CMDR | | | | @yellow:New regulated professions | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Specialist în Pedodonție]] | MS, CMDR | | | | @yellow:New regulated professions | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Specialist în Protetică Dentară]] | MS, CMDR | | | ^ General ^ Regulated professions - Decisions & Statistics ^ Competent authorities ^ Screening information ^ Proportionality (until 18.01.2016) ^ | Logicaly deleted ((This regulated profession is in "deleted" state. No action possible from here anymore with your role.)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Marinar stagiar]] | | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: the profession has been deleted)) | @red:Ongoing Proportionality ((This "Proportionality" is in "rejected" state. with following comment: this profession is deleted)) | | Logicaly deleted ((This regulated profession is in "deleted" state. No action possible from here anymore with your role.)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Mecanic stagiar]] | | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: the profession has been deleted)) | @red:Ongoing Proportionality ((This "Proportionality" is in "rejected" state. with following comment: this profession is deleted)) | | Logicaly deleted ((This regulated profession is in "deleted" state. No action possible from here anymore with your role.)) | [[ro:profesii:reglementate:Asistent personal al persoanei cu handicap]] * | | @red:Ongoing screening ((This screening is in "rejected" state with following comment: requested by Stefan Serban)) | @red:Ongoing Proportionality ((This "Proportionality" is in "rejected" state. with following comment: requested by Stefan Serban)) | ===== Date pentru o profesie reglementată ===== | CA Id | [[|###]] | | Contact Data | @yellow:[[ro:autoritati:competente:autoritati_competente_pentru_profesiile_reglementate_in_romania|Autoritatea Competentă]] | | RP Id | [[|#####]] | | Regulated Profession | [[profesiile_reglementate_in_uniunea_europeana|Profesia reglementată]] | | Transparency | @lightblue:[[|submitted]] | | Screening | @lightgreen:[[|valid]] | | Proportionality | @red:[[|rejected]] | | Establishment | @yellow:[[|Decisions]] | | Provision of Services | @lightgreen:[[|Declarations]] | ===== Referințe ===== [[|Regulated professions in Romania]]