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Închide Baia Mare

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Help :

Code Syntax :

  • <color=CodeHexadecimal></color> enables text colouring.
    Note : Instead of the hexadecimal code (#??????), you can specify the name of the colour(red, yellow, orange, green, blue, etc...). For extra info...
  • <bgcolor=CodeHexadecimal></bgcolor> enables the colored highlighting of a text.
    Note : Instead of the hexadecimal code (#??????), you can specify the name of the colour(red, yellow, orange, green, blue, etc...). For extra info...
  • <b></b> enables the emboldening of a text.
  • <i></i> enables the italicising of a text.
  • <u></u> enables the underlining of a text.
  • <cite></cite> enables quotation inserting.
    Note : You can specify the name of the authors by typing <cite=Author>
  • <code></code> enables code inserting.
    Note : You can specify the language by typing <code=LanguageName>
  • <left></left> enables left align.
  • <center></center> enables center align.
  • <right></right> enables right align.
  • <link></link> enables link inserting.
    Note : You can specify the link URL by typing <link=URL>text</link>. If you do not specify the link URL, the URL will be the one between the two tags.<link>URL</link>
  • <img=SmileyName> enables smiley insertion.
    Note : The names of available basic smileys are : cool, wink, biggrin, smile, frown, eek, mad, confused, rolleyes, tongue, cry. For extra info...

Access keys (under Windows) :

  • Key SHIFT + arrow (right or left) enables text selection
  • Key ALT + 2 enables toolbar selection
  • Key ALT + 3 enables editing zone selection
  • Key ALT + 4 displays Help
  • Key ALT + 5 hides Help
  • Key TAB enables going from one selection to the next
  • Key SHIFT + TAB enables going from one selection to the previous
  • Key ALT + arrow (towards bottom or top) enables folding out of the selected menu
  • Key ALT + arrow (towards bottom or top) enables the folding up of a spread out menu
  • Key arrow (towards bottom or top) enables the browsing through a spread out menu
  • Key ALT + s enables form sending

   |     |  Bold  Italic  Underline  Align Left  Center justify  Align Right  Insert a link  Insert Smiley (popup)  Preview (popup)  Display Help   
smiley cool  smiley wink  smiley biggrin  smiley smile  smiley frown  smiley eek  smiley mad  smiley confused  smiley rolleyes  smiley tongue  smiley cry 


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