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About the project - Project objectives
The project aims to improve the current methodology for recognition by universities of periods of study abroad and developing new methodologies consistent and transparent conditions in which, according to the Order of the Minister of National Education. 3043/2000 on the recognition of study periods, periods of study undertaken abroad are recognized by universities and academic mobility is enhanced by a growing process.
The overall objective of the Project is to improve the methodology for recognizing and facilitating academic recognition of study periods undertaken abroad.
The project aims to improve the current methodology for recognition by universities of periods of study abroad and developing new methodologies consistent and transparent conditions in which, according to the Order of the Minister of National Education. 3043/2000 on the recognition of study periods, these periods performed abroad are recognized by universities.
Different rules for the recognition of studies:
  • applicable on the one hand citizens of EU Member States, the European Economic Area and Romanian nationals who have studied in one of these states and
  • on the other hand, people who have studied in third countries following the acquisition by Romania on January 1, 2007, the membership of the European Union.
These rules are established by clear and transparent methodology, consistent with EU rules and best practices.
Thus, the specific objectives of the project follow:
    1. creating a network of information and research resources (CRID) in every university accredited in Romania
    2. training of resource centers,
    3. adapt the methodology for recognition in national and international rules and increasing transparency,
    4. simplification of entry to further study at accredited universities in Romania Romanian citizens, community or from third countries who have studied abroad (partial or complete internships).

Creation date : 26/02/2011 @ 14:12
Last update : 26/02/2011 @ 16:06
Category : About the project
Page read 10503 times

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