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About the project - Target audience
The resource centers are addressed to the citizens of EU Member States, the European Economic Area, Switzerland and third-country nationals and Romanian nationals who have studied and / or will study in one of these countries and will want to continue their studies in a Romanian university or pursue a profession in Romania.

Regarding access to resource centers, there will be no discrimination based on nationality, citizenship, religion, education, age, gender, social or political. Also, there are no restrictions on the number of students.

But there are different rules for the recognition of studies, applying the first citizens of EU Member States, the European Economic Area and Romanian nationals who have studied in one of these states and, on the other hand, people who have studied in third countries following the acquisition by Romania on January 1, 2007, the rule of European Union member state. These rules are established by clear and transparent methodology, consistent with EU rules and best practices.

The resource centers will provide feedback to the Applicant, as indirect beneficiaries, who in turn will provide advice, information and support these centers.

Universities in which they operate resource centers, are also indirect beneficiaries of the services provided by resource centers, in particular the Departments of International Relations which is conducted through academic mobility.

The applicant will inform the resource centers through periodic reports, annual surveys, annual statistics and analysis on the number of students in the mobility, the main application, obstacles and means of improving the activity.

Creation date : 26/02/2011 @ 16:05
Last update : 26/02/2011 @ 16:20
Category : About the project
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